May I have a few questions for You?
How do You answer to these questions?
Do You want to know WHAT are the EFFECTS of a Victim’s Mentality?
The 4 Main Victim’s Thinking Models
Do you want to know HOW it influences life a Victim’s Mentality?
What can You do TODAY to live a happy life?
Do You know WHICH of these Thinking Models do You have?
How does my NEW Program differentiate from others?
What do we already know about EDUCATION?
Do you want to know the biggest lesson of my life?

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How To Transform Your Victim Mentality Into A Victor’s Mentality And Find Your Emotional Balance
Welcome to “Your Thinking Model,” a new program created to show you how to think like a victor in life!
Please let me tell you what I learned more than 45 years ago when I first discovered how to think positively.
From that moment, I built my life by testing and improving the “Possibilities and Solutions” Thinking Model.
Let’s see together:
Are You a “victim” of your own acceptance?
Are You a “victim” in your life?
Do You know that your mind is the FREE Passport to Your World?
So, I will start by telling you that we can ALL be victims or victors in our lives from the moment of birth! And we ALL came without any training before.
But the victim mentality is LEARNED through repeated actions!
And You already know that every person is born with their own “design” and mission in life.
To be successful, you must choose the victor’s mENTALITY!
May I have a few questions for You?
Would you please check your feelings when you read the next questions?
Do You:
- Feel something is wrong or not working as it should, but you can’t “put your finger” on it?
- Feel uncomfortable with your thoughts and feelings about yourself or the life around you?
- Think you are a victim in your life, and you blame and complain about anything and anyone except yourself?
Or maybe you are a victim of:
- Childhood without the love and affection of your parents? And you think you don’t deserve to be loved and are not worthy of anybody? And you think you don’t know how to make someone happy because you already fought for love but failed?
- Growing up in an environment of emotional and physical abuse and violence? And you feel guilty about whatever you do?
- A physical disability or disease or a deficiency in expressing or relating to people? And because you are not able to do what others do, they don’t accept you? Do you feel that Your Future is limited or without a chance?
- Feeling you have nothing to give, so you don’t deserve to receive?
Do you feel emotional or physical “pain” reading these questions?
How do You answer these questions?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then you are a victim of accepting the Victim’s Thinking Models!
But what if:
- You stop “paying” by living the same painful emotions again and again? You already “paid” once when you lived them for real, a long time ago.
- You could live a new life without struggling with any of these pains?
Then, give yourself a fair chance to see how beautiful life is without pain.
And let me show you how to get out of the pain and win in life.
So take the first step toward Your New Life!
Do You want to know what are the EFFECTS of a Victim’s Mentality?
Left unchanged, the effects of these “Victim’s Thoughts” can cause YOU feelings of:
- low level of self-esteem
- negative self-image
- no self-value
- over-criticism and self-labeling
- self-punishing that damages your body’s health
- self-victimizing
- self-exclusion from family and society
- inability to receive or give love
- other feelings that minimize yourself
The Victim’s Mentality can also affect:
- Financial Results
- Spirituality
- Expressing Affection
- Relationships
- Communication
- Socializing
The 4 Main Victim’s Thinking Models
Here are the 4 main Thinking Models that can create these effects in your life:
#1 Fears – of failing or even success, of judgment or what others say, rejection.
#2 Self-Judgment
#3 Self-Sabotage
#4 Self-Punishment
Well, do you:
- Recognize some of these thinking models in yourself?
- Want to stop living with these fears and self-judgments?
Then stop and give yourself a fair chance to replace these ways of thinking.
And let me show you the potential value of who you are, but you don’t know yet.
so Do the first step toward Your New Thinking Models and live Your New Life!
Do you want to know HOW it influences life a Victim’s Mentality?
If you don’t take action and accept change, this Victim’s Mentality can create life patterns like living:
- a limited and unfulfilled life
- by “keeping score” on others and yourself
- randomly
- to survive
- by only “getting” from life
- by “what people say.”
And they can cause TO YOU:
- egocentrism
- bullying
- dependency
- suicidal thoughts
- and many other specific forms.
Please answer yourself:
- Do you want to stop “paying” by living the same patterns again and again?
- And for how long do you still want to pay with your life?
Then choose to STOP paying with your life again and again!
And let me reveal to you the beauty of a free and happy life.
So take the first step toward control of Your Life.
What can You do TODAY to live a happy life?
There is an old saying:
Do something different if you want different results!
But BEFORE doing something different in your outside world, do something different in your inside world.
Learn How To Think Differently!
For example, learn How To Think for:
- Living a happier and more fulfilled life, if you don’t live it yet
- Having a better relationship with yourself/loved ones/children, if you don’t have it yet
- Opening the business you always wanted, if you didn’t start it yet
- Knowing a meaningful life, if you don’t know yet
- Discovering your purpose, if you didn’t find it yet
Let’s think together to a few questions:
- Can you do something different by yourself if you never did it before?
- How can you recognize an opportunity or success if you don’t know what it looks like?
- Can you suddenly think differently from before if you didn’t do it up until now?
- How can you know what it means “to think differently” if you don’t know what “different” is?
- Can you see Solutions if all you look at are Problems?
Do You know WHICH of these Thinking Models You have?
- Thinking in Problems or Solutions?
- Thinking in Limitations or Possibilities?
- “Scarcity Thinking” or “Abundant Thinking”?
- Thinking in “I can’t because” or “I can because”?
- “Random Thinking” or “Strategic Thinking”?
- “I know it because I believe it” or “I don’t know what I don’t know”?
However, to learn new ways of thinking, we all need someone who knows it and has done it before successfully!
One Choice as a child was Life-Changing for me!
since Then, I choose to learn How To Think!
And it is the reason I am mentoring as a Mindset Coach.
Today I design “Your Thinking Model” according to Your knowledge, experiences, and present needs.
Why would you need Yours?
Because You are Unique and You have Your Original Thoughts!
How does my NEW Program differentiate me from others?
Simple. Let’s see together.
What always works and gives the best results, and has the highest value?
Is the Original or the Copy?
The Creator or Producer of any product lives and transfers his emotions to it during the entire process of creating, producing, and selling. And he understands and uses his product up to its 100% potential.
The Reproducer INTERPRETS the Original, at his level of awareness, and lives and transfers his own emotions when using the product, at a much lower capacity.
The same is with “Your Thinking Model”.
You are the Original and the Only Winner of competing with yourself!
And it is simple and easy to recognize the instant results.
No probabilities or failures when it fits with your natural state of being.
because You feel so relieved and calm!
What do we already know about EDUCATION?
We already know that Education teaches “WHAT to think” or “How OTHERS think.”
And Self-Education programs teach us excellently about “What to DO” in specific situations and “HOW to do it” for the best results.
Your Potential is NOT in your education! It’s in HOW YOU THINK!
Education is essential, but the lack of it doesn’t eliminate you from the race to a successful life.
And what life proves is that smartness or talent is not enough to win the race.
Because speed and smartness or talent without planning DIRECTION are like a daily race in a roundabout!
The direction of how you think is the most important FOCUS in life!
Why again?
Because there are many smart and talented people who are moving fast daily but going nowhere!
And action with direction brings you to a certain destination. Your Dream Life!
Would you like to know Your Direction in Life?
Then let’s find it together.
And let me show you the direction of your thinking and the most successful path to get to your desired life.
Do you want to know the biggest lesson of my life?
If you want to know how to live Your Happiness and not only dream of it, then listen to the biggest lesson from life!
“Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”
Audrey Hepburn
Still, if you don’t EVALUATE and UPDATE your Present Thinking Model, you will have the SAME RESULTS!
Well, you can’t start from your Past, but you can begin in your Future if you still have time to waste.
But the BEST moment for You is to start from where you are TODAY.
If you want to make a difference in your life, in your family, or people’s lives, then take your first step toward creating Your Thinking Model!
You already have the Power Of Choosing, so choose TODAY for Your Future Life!
And you become The Victor in Your Life.
Then Celebrate Yourself!
Can you say it aloud to yourself and believe it?
I want to learn How to Think!