What Do You Choose to Pay For?
The PRICE You Give or the VALUE You Receive in Mentoring Programs?

WHY Price vs. Value when talking about Mentoring Programs?
If you wonder what the difference is, here are some perspectives in simple words.
- The “value” represents the amount of money you are willing to pay for “something” based on what it means or how important it is for you.
- And the “price” is the amount of money you are asked to pay for it.
While the “price” is subjective for each of us, the “value” is fundamental and linked with our Personal Values.
What Is My Price for Mentoring Programs?
I heard so many times people asking about “my price” for Mentoring Programs.
And every time I answered about “the value” they discover in themselves for the rest of their life.
So, do you want to know why I answer this way?
Because I look at people and see their value instead of circumstances!
One of my mentors used to say about me:
“Show her a boat, and she sees a yacht!”
However, please can you tell me WHAT “Price” can I ask when YOU:
- INSTANTLY change your mentality and start to “SEE” far away and a much bigger picture than you saw all your life.
- OPEN unknown and endless horizons of material, intellectual, and spiritual growth through my Mentoring Programs.
- FREE your mind to express productive and constructive solutions?
- DISCOVER Your Way of Thinking for the rest of your life.
Which Is More Important to You, the Price or the Value?
The answer is also based on Your Value System – Price vs. Value.
The life experience shared in my Best-Selling Book “Think Big“ with Brian Tracy taught me that the price you are willing to pay gives you the life you will live.
So Invest in Yourself: It’s a lifetime investment!
And no one can take it from you!
You can lose it only if you don’t use it!
And you choose what you want to pay for, a Cheap Life or a High Life?
What Is a Mentor, and WHY Do You Need Gabriela?
A Mentor walks alongside you throughout the Mentoring Program to show you what YOU CAN DO and is focused on transformational actions that CHANGE YOUR PRESENT LIFE.
She also focuses on the RESULTS that change your present life.
And she helps YOU cross the CHALLENGES to live the LIFE YOU WANT.
I started the transformational thinking process at age 4!
Then, I began to observe and understand adults’ ways of thinking. They always talked about their painful life. But they dreamed of a happy, accessible, free, and fulfilled life.
My studies of thousands of peoples’ Thinking Models helped me discover patterns for living the dream life instead of present circumstances.
Also, the interaction with thousands of other people made me an Expert Mindset Coach who transformed their lives with my Mentoring Programs.
I am also certified in Life and Business Coaching and a member of the John Maxwell Team as a Coach, Trainer, and Speaker certified by John C. Maxwell.
What Is Selling vs. Mentoring?
➠Selling is something that sellers do TO people, where they pay a PRICE for a product or service that helps them. And they teach the steps of HOW TO USE it.
➠Mentoring is something I do FOR people, where you pay for the VALUE of the RESULTS I help you achieve. And I teach you the steps of HOW TO TRANSFORM your thinking and actions.
I also help you overcome the challenges of living YOUR DREAM LIFE.