My Father’s Wise Words : He taught me there are NO LIMITS to what I CAN DO!
- GO as far as you can and CONTINUE from there!
- DO as much as you can and BE PROUD for what you did!
- BE FEARLESS and GROW as much as YOU want!
- And REMEMBER to STOP and CELEBRATE each small or big VICTORY!
I love you and miss you so much, MOM and DAD!
Aurel Humailo – My dad
WHO did I discover at age 4? Myself! When I saw my image for the first time in a small mirror.
Gabriela humailo
WHAT did I understand at age 4? That I am Unique! And I live my own “normality”!
gabriela humailo
WHAT did I discover at age 4? The Power of Choosing! Since then, I choose my answers and labels to wear in life!
gabriela humailo
WHICH is my best advice for you? You were born with the Power of Choosing! Use it and Choose Yourself!
gabriela humailo
CHOOSE to Move from SUCCESS to Being SUCCESSFUL with Gabriela
From Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality?
We all are victims of our own ACCEPTED LIMITS and LABELS we wear from others and ourselves.
When was the last time you revised your limits like you update your phone or apps almost daily?
Do You Know WHAT the Dominant Causes of “Being a Victim” Are?
All the definitions found mention as causes for being considered a victim:
- ourselves
- other persons
- life circumstances
- society
- nature
And the dominant causes are OURSELVES and OTHERS.
How Can You BE and FEEL a Victim of Yourself or Others?
It’s by ACCEPTING the limits and labels that describe YOU or your actions.
But they don’t define WHO you are or your values!
Also, the first causes that you can influence or change are the same OURSELVES and OTHERS.
Do You Wonder HOW You Can Influence or Change the Labels You Wear?
It is by using your inborn Power of Choosing.
You can choose WHO YOU ARE and HOW YOU WANT to live YOUR LIFE starting TODAY.
Yes. Only ONE ACTION but with a massive impact on your life.
You can start to CHOOSE:
- The limits and labels you accept to wear in your life.
- To change them with those that show the real YOU and your values.
And would you like to know WHY you can influence or change those limits and labels?
Because the victim mentality is LEARNED through repeated actions!
How Do I Know That?
I received the victim label from a “dizzy” doctor at my birth.
And my name was “Victim of Life” until age 4.
But at age 4, I discovered The Power of Choosing when I chose my answer:
Then I said YES to “I CHOOSE” the labels I wear in life and NO to what OTHERS CHOOSE for me.
And I said NO to LIFE AS A VICTIM and YES to MY WAY of living life.
So, I Chose my answers and labels to wear in life since then.
Also, I learned HOW to build My Thinking Model to transform my victim mentality into a victor mentality.
The Secret?
Start to Love Yourself As You Are!
Do you want to FEEL LOVE for Yourself?
You know, real life starts with & when accepting SELF-LOVE.
The Process?
CHOOSE to Discover WHO You Really Are, and ACCEPT to Love Yourself!
- From Victim to Victor? Transform Your Mindset.
- From Some Success to Being Successful? Multiply Your Results.
- In between Your Mindset and Your Results? There are Your Choose Actions.
CHOOSE to Move from FAILURE to SUCCESS with Gabriela
Success is A MOMENT of recognizing a RESULT after specific ACTIONS from a process.
What SUCCESS Means to YOU?
Everyone has a unique meaning for Success.
Do you know what Success means to you?
CONGRATULATIONS if you know it! You are between the very few who know it.
But if not, PLEASE STOP ONE MINUTE and think of it.
Then write it down to SEE it and REMIND you every moment WHY you are doing what YOU WANT to do!
Start to CHOOSE YOURSELF and Discover “Your Thinking Model” with Gabriela
People know me as a Mindset Coach for Victim’s Mentality and co-author of the book “Think Big” with Brian Tracy.
My Mission is to SHOW you how to apply and practice “I Choose – I Am Not A Victim” in your life and business for your benefit and your loved ones.
And you can start to see the difference from the FIRST day.
I started to learn it more than 45 years ago, at age 4!

BE Confident Leaders TODAY
How to unleash your natural self-confidence and human response from the chains of Impostor Syndrome that hold you back from being a better leader fast
Did you read this?
March 2023: Forbes article: “75% of Women Executives Experience Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace.
July 2023: The USA National Institute of Health describes ‘Imposter Syndrome’ as a ‘self-doubt of intellect, skills, and accomplishment among high-achieving individuals.’
In the refined corporate world, leaders appear invincible.
Yet beneath their shiny surface hide secret insecurities.
And much of their true brilliance often remains covert, shadowed by a subjective description of success.
They were taught that success depends solely on professional laurels and measurable results.
And this left them in an endless search for personal validation to feel successful.
They live obsessed with an ongoing question:
“Who am I outside my professional life?”
The Testimony of Choosing POSITIVE THINKING
“One year ago, I was doing the same thing every day – trying to do only my responsibilities. I didn’t know anything about happiness or love.
But I had a chance to speak with Gabriela. And she shows me how to have positive energy and the meaning of happiness and satisfaction for myself.
It’s impressive to think positively and how this makes my life more valuable. And now, I am willing to succeed in life.
She has shown me how to replace negative things with positive ones because anything has two sides. And only I can choose the good side and move forward.
I am proud to speak with Gabriela, and I respect the great effort she made for me.”
Loai Keshk
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You receive weekly new writings, useful ideas, new links, and life-transforming insights delivered directly to your inbox.
Do You Want to Know WHAT HAPPENS If You IGNORE to Change From Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality?
Would you please check your FEELINGS when you read the next questions?
Do You:

Feel something is wrong or not working as it should, but you can’t “put your finger” on it?

Feel uncomfortable with how you think and feel about yourself or the life around you?

Think you are a victim in your life, and you blame and complain about anything and anyone except yourself?
Or Maybe You Are a Victim of:

Childhood without the love and affection of your parents? And you think that you don’t deserve to be loved and that you are not worthy of anybody? And you believe that you don’t know how to make someone happy because you already fought for love, but you failed?

Growing up in an environment of emotional and physical abuse and violence? And you feel guilty about whatever you do? And you live with the feeling that you have nothing to give, so you don’t deserve to receive.

A physical disability or disease or a deficiency in expressing or relating to people? And because you are not able to do what others do, you think they don’t accept you? Also, do you feel that Your Future is limited or without a chance?
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Do You Still FEEL Emotional or Physical “PAINS” Reading These Questions?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then you are a victim of accepting the Victim Thinking Model!
Do you want to KNOW:
- What are the EFFECTS of victim mentality?
- How does it INFLUENCE your life victim mentality?
- Which of these Thinking Models do you have?
Do you want to STOP PAYING:
- By living the same painful emotions again and again?
- With your life again and again?
You already “PAID” once when you lived them for real, a long time ago!
Then, see how I can help you transform from Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality and Live Your Dream Life!

Only YOU Can CHOOSE to Transform From Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality
Do You Know “How You Think”?
“Your Thinking Model“?
Do You Want to DiscoverMaybe You Want to Know WHY to Transform From a Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality
Because everyone can choose WHO they want to BE or BECOME.
Also, only YOU can create the happiness you crave to feel and the freedom of your spirit.
However, to learn new ways of thinking, we all need someone who knows it and has done it before successfully!
However, to live a new, better, happier, and more fulfilled life, everyone needs an experienced guide like Gabriela Humailo.
And it would be best if you also had the willingness to accept the transformation processes.
Do You Want to Live A NEW LIFE Without Emotional or Physical Pains?
Then give yourself a fair chance, and let me show you the beauty of a FREE and HAPPY life!
START TO LEARN with me “Your Thinking Model.”
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Do You Want to “FEEL” How YOU CAN Live Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy?
Yes. You, too, can FEEL how it is to live a healthy, wealthy, and happy life.
Do You Know You Can REFUSE TO ACCEPT These Labels About Yourself?
- You don’t deserve to be happy.
- You are not worthy.
- Or not good enough.
- You are too young or old and can’t change.
- Or you are who others think you are.
WHO Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?
Please allow me to tell you this:
Between YOU and the IMAGE in the mirror are only the labels you accepted to wear!
Do You Want to Let Me Show You WHO IS in the Mirror?
As a Mindset Coach for Victim Mentality, I can show you the real YOU seen through my objective perspective.
Do You Want to Let Me Show You HOW TO SEE Your Image From the Mirror?
When you learn “Your Thinking Model,” you START TO FEEL what living a healthy, wealthy, and happy life means.
It Is MY GUARANTEE to YOU to Transform From Victim Mentality to Victor Mentality!

Welcome, My Dear Friend!
I Am Gabriela, the Mindset Coach Who Transform Your Victim Mentality Into a Victor Mentality
Basically, my Life Purpose is to help as many people as possible who have experienced the feeling of being a victim to change that feeling to one of a victor through their “Power of Choosing.”
I have practiced this way of living through “I Choose“ for more than 45 years.
Do You Wonder WHY Transformational Mindset Coach?
It is because One Choice as a child was Life-Changing for me!
Then I learned to choose How To Think!
Now, I have 30 years of entrepreneurial experience as a business and mindset coach.
During all this time, I created a “portfolio of businesses” and a highly diverse portfolio of happy clients.
And I worked and listened to thousands of people – both employees and business clients.
Using the personal skills of coaching, communication, and training salespeople combined with managerial and leadership skills has transformed me into an excellent motivator, an inspirational leader, and an Expert Mindset Coach.
It’s Because I understood that any business grows through the people who contribute to it!
Also, I am certified in Life and Business Coaching, and I am a member of the John Maxwell Team USA and Romania as a Coach, Trainer, and Speaker certified by John C. Maxwell.
Today, I Design “Your Thinking Model” According to Your Knowledge, Experiences, and Present Needs.
“In our Life, we are looking for chances. Usually, people look for a chance to improve their money earnings.
I had got my chance in life, but it wasn’t money.
It is the best thing in my life – to discover the meaning of Life from Gabriela.
She gave me the secret key to living happily in this life and showed me how to manage any issues and improve them.
And she shows me how to feel and enjoy life and always be positive.“
Loai Keshk
“Gabriela Humailo’s inner beauty inspires her to sketch the destinies of those she interacts with in angels’ wings.
Next to her, you will be reborn.
I love you, Beautiful Soul!”
Daniela Buimistru

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You receive weekly new writings, useful ideas, new links, and life-transforming insights delivered directly to your inbox.